Category: Other Stuff

Facebook Inbox access for 1$

Facebook has come up with a new idea that anyone can send a message to Someone’s Inbox even if you are not connected with him i.e. even if he is not in your friends list.

A new revamp of Facebook Messages is pointing the way to let people buy access to your inbox on the social network.

In a “small experiment” starting today, Facebook said it’ll be evaluating the “usefulness of economic signals” to determine what messages, from those with whom they have no connection, might be relevant to a given user.


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Google India today said it has partnered with a host of e-commerce players including Flipkart,Snapdeal, Homeshop18, IndiatimesShopping, and makemytrip to bring to India its own version of ‘Cyber Monday’ on December 12.,width-310,resizemode-4/google-partners-e-commerce-sites-for-cyber-monday-on-december-12.jpg

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NASA has come up with a concept to make public aware of the fact that the International Space Station (ISS) can be easily spotted by public in the sky and have an outstanding experience. They say that the space station is clearly visible and appears to be bright enough to be seen.

Are you excited to know when and how is it possible to Spot the Space Station in your Area ? It is very simple all you need to do is logon to NASA site and get registered. You should fill in details of your location and Email ID…. thats it soo Simple, NASA will send you a mail when the Space Station appears to be seen in your location.

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STUXNET – a highly sophisticated computer virus has created a havoc in Iran since it had attacked the Nuclear plant in Iran and led to misoperation and finally shut down. This malware was basically meant to attack the SIEMENS systems which the Nuclear Plant used and attacked the PLC ( Proggamable Logic control ) unit of the hardware.

Many believe that this virus was intentionally created by USA and ISRAEL to attack IRAN’s nuclear power ( Which was reported that the innovations in Nuclear domain has gained a straight 60% increase than its previous year in 2009 ). So these counter contries wanted to attack the power of IRAN.

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Start Button Removed!! Is That Relevant?

As much awaited Windows 8 is about to launch in a week, lets discuss about the major change that has been done to the Windows Desktop interface. As everyone knows that the START button is removed from the bottom left position which helps to choose the apps installed, lets concentrate on this point broadly in this post.

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Nokia City Lens Technology

We have seen maps, Street Views…. now comes the CITY LENS Technology which gives you more details to the Roadmaps along with categories which makes our search much simpler. Thanks to NOKIA for having created a technology which will have a heap change in the world of Navigation.

Nokia Lumia set of phones are compatible with CITY LENS as of now, which Nokia is planning to extend it to other set of phones like N8, Nokia 808 Pureview etc.,

Tough luck for Lumia 610 owners though, City Lens cannot run on 256 MB of RAM. It’s good to see Nokia bring a big feature like this to its previous smartphones as Microsoft had announced that none of the current Windows Phone 7.5 devices will get an upgrade to Windows Phone 8. They promised an update called Windows Phone 7.8 which brings a bunch of new features including the new start screen to older devices though. Even Symbian Belle phones like the PureView 808, N8 and such will get a version of City Lens. After being in beta for a couple of months, it is now officially available for these devices as a release version. However, Nokia Lumia 920 and 820 will be getting a different version of City Lens with more features once they release.

How does it work

Nokia City Lens uses a combination of Nokia Maps, GPS and the inbuilt compass to determine where you are and then displays nearby places of interest. When you fire it up, there’s a screen from which you can choose one of eight categories: nearby, food, hotels, shopping, famous, fun, sights, and transport. You can select one or more categories, point your phone in any direction as if snapping a photo, and voila! There’s all the information you’ll need in an overlay format, distance, categories, ratings and all. Tapping a specific place reveals more details about it. Everything is color specific and you can easily distinguish the categories of the places. On our test phase, even small restaurants were showing up, which is pretty cool. All this information is pulled from Nokia Maps and TripAdvisor.

When you pan the phone, you can see that the places update in real time and yes, everything is accurate. The closer ones appear in more detail while the further ones appear as smaller icons. As you move in a direction, everything updates and you know exactly what progress you’re making.


Watch This Video….

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Tubeless Tyre

Wheels and Tyres! The first thing which comes to our mind is the old Indian bullockcarts wheel, which never fails in its lifetime and is made If bands of metal that are fitted around wooden wheels in order to prevent wear and tear.

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Wow now the world is changing its view from being specific to its own standards to a stage where things can be Interoperable.

Google has done the same thing by introducing  J2ObjC a tool which converts Java to Object C Language.

We already have many tools which can do the same job, but the special thing about this tool is that it is developed by GOOGLE.

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If  we could see sound  our world would be even more beautiful than we could imagine. It would be a world filled with shimmering holographic bubbles each displaying a kaleidoscopic pattern on its surface. To see sound is to open a new window onto our world, one that has been veiled in mystery until recently.

A sound bubble created by a violin sound…

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Data Wiping is emerging as one of the most highly rated technologies in the field of Enterprise Level Storage. Let me take an example of a regular SATA hard disk which we use in our Home Desktops or Laptops, when we want to erase data we will directly format the hard disk so that the complete hard disk will become empty.
In some cases the hard disk itself crashes and we are bound to format it to use it again, but there are few Third party softwares which can be used to restore the data if the Disk crashes or even after the disk is completely formatted.This is beacuse of Data Remanence : Data remanence is the residual representation of data that remains even after attempts have been made to remove or erase the data.