Category: General Topics

MegaDroid Project

As part of ongoing research to help prevent and mitigate disruptions to computer networks on the Internet, researchers at Sandia National Laboratories in California have turned their attention to smartphones and other hand-held computing devices.

Search For The Tool

Sandia cyber researchers linked together 300,000 virtual hand-held computing devices running the Android operating system so they can study large networks of smartphones and find ways to make them more reliable and secure. Android dominates the smartphone industry and runs on a range of computing gadgets.


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How to check Petroleum Availability

Have you ever thought where does Gallons of petroleum come from and why is that Petroleum is so Scarce…. Let us know the Industrial technique to find the availability of petroleum in a particular region.


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Google India today said it has partnered with a host of e-commerce players including Flipkart,Snapdeal, Homeshop18, IndiatimesShopping, and makemytrip to bring to India its own version of ‘Cyber Monday’ on December 12.,width-310,resizemode-4/google-partners-e-commerce-sites-for-cyber-monday-on-december-12.jpg

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How Solar Water Heater Works??

Hi frnzz… many of us have a habit of drinking boiled water… it’s really an appreciable work. How do you boil the water? Well… we use geysers to boil the water… we even take shower using geysers. Frnzz… do we realise what are we wasting by using geysers? In one year, an 80-gallon (302-liter) electric water heater averages about $500 to run, uses 4,800 kWh of electricity and contributes about 6,600 pounds (2,993 kilograms) of CO2 to the atmosphere.

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Why do Storms Occur ??

Thunderstorms form when rising warm air, through a process called convection, rises into cooler air alot. Conditions have to be favorable for thunderstorm development, which can be a varietey of factors, including cold fronts, low pressure systems, tropical storms/hurricanes (low pressure systems over water), and storms that form from daytime heating when conditions allow.

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